Monday, April 21, 2014

Titan Tournament Final Round Recap

I played in the final round of the Titan Tournament at Ogres this weekend along with 11 of the best players from the area. I played in 3 out of the 4 qualifier events and placed top 3 in 2. That meant I had my choice of bringing Necrons with or without an ally, or Tau/Eldar because those were the armies I placed with previously. Since I had placed 1st when I used my Taudar I decided they were probably the best bet for the final round. The games were 1850 and here's what I was running:

  • Command and Control Node 
  • Puretide Engram Neurochip 
  • Multi-Spectrum Sensor Suite 
  • Onager Gauntlet 
  • Neuroweb System jammer 


  • Jetbike
  • Singing Spear 

  • Twin-Linked Fusion Gun 
  • Ion Accelerator 
  • Early Warning Overide 
  • Twin-Linked Fusion Gun 
  • Ion Accelerator 
  • Early Warning Overide
  • Twin-Linked Fusion Gun 
  • Ion Accelerator 
  • Early Warning Overide

3x Guardian Jetbikes
3x Guardian Jetbikes
6x Fire Warriors
6x Fire Warriors
6x Fire Warriors

Fast Attack
5x Warp Spiders

Heavy Support
3x Broadsides
  • 3x Twin-Linked SMS 
  • 3x Twin-Linked High-Yield Missile Pods 
  • 6x Missile Drones


Aegis Defense Line
  • Quad Cannon 

Total - 1848

My first game was against Necrons and was against a familiar opponent. Usually I find myself on the bad end of an ass whooping against this competitor. This time however, my dice were hot and I managed to pull out a 13-5 victory winning the primary (4x Objectives), tying the secondary (Kill the opposing Warlord), and getting 1 tertiary (First Blood). Highlights include my first shot from a Riptide taking out both of his Command Barges. Fire Warriors rolling 6 out of 6, 6's to hit a Nighscythe and take it out of the sky. Warp Spiders also did some work weakening one of his Overlords and dropping a Nightscythe at a critical point in the game as well as refusing to die to mass fire.

My second pairing was against Imperial Guard/Inquisition. Primary was Emperors Will (2 Objectives), Secondary was Table Quarters with a Dawn of War deployment. This was a very close game. He had a blob squad of 40 guys with a 4+ invulnerable and stubborn, which he marched directly for my objective. Had he chose to camp the blob on his objective I have no doubt that he would have won. Sadly for him, he chose not to. I focused all of my fire on his objective and cleared it by the last turn. I turbo boosted my jet bikes onto my own objective to contest his blob which had finally made it there, and sent my 2nd jet bike squad to take his objective for the win. Final score was 12-5. Highlights were jet bike shenanigans and the Wraithknight taking out an Executioner, Vanquisher, and 2 units of guardsman.

The final game was against Slaanesh CSMs/Imperial Guard. Primary was Victory Points (Had to be 185 points above your opponent to win), secondary 3x Objectives with a Vanguard deployment. This was another nail biter game that came down to the last turn. Just like the previous game, turbo boosting shenanigans from the jet bikes netted me the victory. I was above on Victory Points but not high enough, so we tied Primary. I still took secondary though as well as Last Laugh (Whoever kills the last unit). The game ended 11-6.

I was super pleased with my performance for the day. Though I won all my games, my overall point total wasn't enough for first place. I did take second though and walked away with a bunch of great prizes! I'm looking SO forward to getting the Aquila Strongpoint on the table and bolstering my other armies with the new additions. HOORAY!

1 comment:

  1. Nice work. Tough armies to go up against. Sounds like a great day.
