Few more rumor leaks over night. Remember these are still rumors.
We should have more concrete information after the White Dwarf release.
Burning Blade: S+3, AP2, Melee, Blind, IncandescentIncandescent: At the end of an Assault Phase in which the bearer made a successful to-hit roll with the Burning Blade roll a D6. On a roll of a 2+ nothing happens. On a roll of a 1 the bearer takes a S4, AP2 hit.
While this is nice and all, I would rather not take things that can make my Warlord kill himself...
Armor of Indomitus: 2+, 6++, Relentless Same cost as a Landspeeder with a Multi-melta
Once per game during any phase the wearer may choose to temporarily push the forcefield to its limits. For the duration of that phase the Armor Indomitus has a 2++ Invunerable Save.
I can see this being used a lot, depending on point cost.
Shield Eternal: Storm Shield, Adamantium Will, Eternal Warrior
Power Weapons
Lighting Claw
Power Fist
Terminator Weapons: (These are restricted to Independent Characters in Terminator Armor)
Storm Bolter may be replaced with:
Combi-Flamer, Melta, or Plasma
Lighting Claw
Power Weapon may be replaced with:
Lighting Claw
Will the Powerfist/Lighting Claw HQ that is rampant in CSM make an appearance in the SM armies?
Heavy Weapons:
Heavy Bolter
Heavy Flamer Sternguard and Legion of the Damned ONLY
Missile Launcher
Plasma Cannon
Special Weapons:
Grav rifle
Plasma gun
Special Issue Wargear:
Auspex - Saw this coming.
Melta bomb
Digital Weapons
Teleport Homer
Jump Pack
Vehicle Wargear:
Dozer blade (Land Raiders can not take)
Storm bolter
Hunter-killer missile
Extra armor
Chapter Master
Artificer Armor new
Wargear Lists: Relics, Ranged, Melee, Special, Special Issue (Terminator Armor unlocks Terminator Wargear)
Terminator Armor
+1 Wound/Attack over current incarnation
Mounted Assault: If the Chapter Master purchases a bike, all Bike Squads of at least 5+ models may be taken as Troops. - ALL Units? I have seen different rules for this in like 20 different places.
Orbital Bombardment: S10, AP1, Assault 1, 1 use only. - The question here is the scatter roll...
Honor Guard
Relic blades
Chapter Banner
May take Standard of the Emperor Ascendant
Mounted Assault
Wargear Lists: Relics, Ranged, Melee, Special, Special Issue
Terminator Captain
Seperate entry
Captain in Terminator armor
Command Squad
1 may be taken for each Captain, Chaplain or Librarian in the army
Storm shields
May trade Bolt Pistols for Bolters
Veterans may take Melee, and Ranged, Special wargear
May take Standard of the Emperor Ascendant
Armor of Indomitus: 2+, 6++, Relentless Same cost as a Landspeeder with a Multi-melta
Once per game during any phase the wearer may choose to temporarily push the forcefield to its limits. For the duration of that phase the Armor Indomitus has a 2++ Invunerable Save.
I can see this being used a lot, depending on point cost.
Shield Eternal: Storm Shield, Adamantium Will, Eternal Warrior
This will be almost a must have item.
Primarch's Wrath: Bolter, S4, AP4, Salvo 3/5, Shred, Mastercrafted
Perfect for a gunline HQ.
Teeth of Terra: S+2, AP3, Melee, Rampage, Specialist Weapon, Strikedown
Primarch's Wrath: Bolter, S4, AP4, Salvo 3/5, Shred, Mastercrafted
Perfect for a gunline HQ.
Teeth of Terra: S+2, AP3, Melee, Rampage, Specialist Weapon, Strikedown
I really enjoy this, its getting into CC that's the issue.
Standard of the Emperor Ascendant: Same cost as Landspeeder Stom with Multi-melta
Friendly units n 12" with the same Chapter Tactics as the bearer re-roll morale checks and pinning tests. Additionally, friendly units chosen from Codex: Space Marines within 6" of the bearer have the Hatred special rule, and add +1 to their total when determining their assault rolls. Furthermore, the bearer and his unit have the Fear special rule. - Meh.
Ranged Weapons: Models may replace their Boltgun or Bolt Pistol with one of the following:
Combi-Flamer, Melta, Plasma, or Grav
Grav Pistol
Plasma Pistol
Melee Weapons:
Standard of the Emperor Ascendant: Same cost as Landspeeder Stom with Multi-melta
Friendly units n 12" with the same Chapter Tactics as the bearer re-roll morale checks and pinning tests. Additionally, friendly units chosen from Codex: Space Marines within 6" of the bearer have the Hatred special rule, and add +1 to their total when determining their assault rolls. Furthermore, the bearer and his unit have the Fear special rule. - Meh.
Ranged Weapons: Models may replace their Boltgun or Bolt Pistol with one of the following:
Combi-Flamer, Melta, Plasma, or Grav
Grav Pistol
Plasma Pistol
Melee Weapons:
Models may replace their Boltgun or Bolt Pistol with one of the following:
Power Weapons
Lighting Claw
Power Fist
Terminator Weapons: (These are restricted to Independent Characters in Terminator Armor)
Storm Bolter may be replaced with:
Combi-Flamer, Melta, or Plasma
Lighting Claw
Power Weapon may be replaced with:
Lighting Claw
Will the Powerfist/Lighting Claw HQ that is rampant in CSM make an appearance in the SM armies?
Heavy Weapons:
Heavy Bolter
Heavy Flamer Sternguard and Legion of the Damned ONLY
Missile Launcher
Plasma Cannon
Special Weapons:
Grav rifle
Plasma gun
Special Issue Wargear:
Auspex - Saw this coming.
Melta bomb
Digital Weapons
Teleport Homer
Jump Pack
Vehicle Wargear:
Dozer blade (Land Raiders can not take)
Storm bolter
Hunter-killer missile
Extra armor
Chapter Master
Artificer Armor new
Wargear Lists: Relics, Ranged, Melee, Special, Special Issue (Terminator Armor unlocks Terminator Wargear)
Terminator Armor
+1 Wound/Attack over current incarnation
Mounted Assault: If the Chapter Master purchases a bike, all Bike Squads of at least 5+ models may be taken as Troops. - ALL Units? I have seen different rules for this in like 20 different places.
Orbital Bombardment: S10, AP1, Assault 1, 1 use only. - The question here is the scatter roll...
Honor Guard
Relic blades
Chapter Banner
May take Standard of the Emperor Ascendant
Mounted Assault
Wargear Lists: Relics, Ranged, Melee, Special, Special Issue
Terminator Captain
Seperate entry
Captain in Terminator armor
Command Squad
1 may be taken for each Captain, Chaplain or Librarian in the army
Storm shields
May trade Bolt Pistols for Bolters
Veterans may take Melee, and Ranged, Special wargear
May take Standard of the Emperor Ascendant
Still don't see the point without something like a Salvo Banner.
Mastery level 2:
No codex powers
Has access to Biomancy, Pyromancy, Telekenesis, and Telepathy disciplines - No Divination?? This has to be a mistake..
May take Terminator armor for same base cost
Not permitted in Black Templar armies (Black Templars have no rules to prevent allying psykers in)
Wargear Lists: Relics, Ranged, Melee, Special, Special Issue (Terminator Armor unlocks Terminator Wargear)
No Combi-grav
Wargear Lists: Relics, Ranged, Melee, Special, Special Issue (Terminator Armor unlocks Terminator Wargear)
Terminator armor same cost
No Combi-grav
Master of the Forge
Lord of the Armory unchanged
Wargear Lists: Relics, Ranged, Melee, Special, Special Issue
May replace Bolt Pistol or Bolter with Power Axe
May take one per HQ in your army. Does not use a slot
Wargear Lists: Ranged, Melee, Special Issue
May replace Bolt Pistol or Bolter with Power Axe
Additional Servitors
Heavy bolter
Plasma Cannon
Tactical Marines
Veteran Sergeant upgrade same cost as in DA book
Sergeant/Veteran Sergeant have access to Melee and Ranged wargear
If the unit has less than 10 models 1 model may take 1 weapon from either the Special or Heavy Weapons Wargear lists
If the unit has 10 models one model may take 1 weapon from the Special Weapons list and a different model may take 1 weapon from the Heavy Weapons Wargear list
Heavy bolter
Hellfire shells
Missile launcher same cost as wargear list
Flakk same cost as wargear list
Veteran Sergeant upgrade same cost as in DA book
Sergeant/Veteran Sergeant have access to Melee and Ranged wargear
Camo cloaks
Teleport homer
Sniper Rifle
May take a Landspeeder Storm as a Dedicated Transport - With the meta going more toward cheap, mobile troops, will 5 scouts in a Storm be the new go to troop choice?
Crusader Squad
Neophyte base leadership now 8 (Zion's notes: I did check, and the old ones were base 7, they just tested on an 8 because of the Initiates, so please no burning my car down for being "wrong")
1 Initiate may take either a Heavy Weapon or a Power Weapon or a Power Fists
A different Initiate may take a Special Weapon
Sword Brethren upgrade same cost as Veteran Sergeant (same wargear options too)
Has Chapter Tactics: Black Templars
May take a Land Raider Crusader as a Dedicated Transport
Dedicated Transports
No changes (wargear prices changed for codex) - Was really hoping for the rumored Rhino Variants but oh well. Maybe in a supplement.
Twin-Linked Heavy Flamer now a free option - Heavy Flamer is nice, with all the high strength, low AP weapons out there now, I don't see it making it in range to use it.
Assault Cannon
TL Lascannon
Lascannon/TL Plasmagun
Drop Pod
10 model capacity
Land Speeder Storm
Now a dedicated transport for Scouts
May replace Heavy Bolter with free Heavy Flamer, Multi-melta for 5 points less, Assault Cannon
Jamming Beacon now makes models that are in range roll twice the number of scatter dice that distance they normally would - Opponent rolling 4D6 scatter on deep strikes? Wow, I'm guessing this is wrong.
Cerberus Launcher: 18" S2, AP-, Heavy 1, Large Blast, Blind
Up to two Sternguard may take a Special or Heavy weapon from the wargear lis
Combi weapons
All models may take weapons from the melee wargear list
Jump packs
Storm shields
Heroic Intervention: Unit doesn't suffer penalties for disordered charges, and Veteran Sergeants automatically pass Glorious Intervention checks - Can't assault after deepstrike...not worth it.
Venerable upgrade
Assault Cannon
TL Lascannon
Left-arm Autocannon
Does not have Chapter Tactics - I really wish they did something with these. I love Dreadnoughts, it's just a shame they aren't really viable right now.
Ironclad Dreadnought
Meltagun option free
No Chapter Tactics
Legion of the Damned
1 model may take one of the following special weapons: Flamer, Melta , Plasma
No grav option
1 model may take a Heavy Weapon from the wargear section
Sergeant may take a weapon from Ranged wargear
Sergeant may replace bolter with chainsword for free, power weapon (same cost as wargear), power fist (same cost as wargear)
All shooting attacks ignore cover
All special rules the same - I still think they are overpriced, but I could be wrong.
Heavy Flamer
Assault Cannon
Cyclone Missile Launcher
Assault Terminators
Thunderhammer/Stormshield - No option for Lightning claws? Once again, this has to be wrong.
Assault Centurions
Up to 3 models may be purchased for purchased for the squad
May replace the Iron Clad Launcher with Missile Launcher for free
May replace Twin-linked flamer for a Twin-linked Melta for the cost of a flamer in the wargear section
Sergeant may purchase an Omniscope for the cost of a melta gun. It grants him Night Fight and Split Fire
May take a Land Raider as a Dedicated Transport
Has Move Through Cover, and Extra Bulky Special rules
Decimator Protocols: Models with this rule may fire up to 2 weapons in the shooting phase.
Fast Attack
Assault Squad
Plasma pistol unchanged
Veteran Sergeant upgrade same cost as in DA book
Sergeant/Veteran Sergeant have access to Melee wargear, and purchase a Grav Pistol or Plasma Pistol for the same cost
Dedicated Transport rules unchanged
Land Speeder Storm Squadron
Typhoon Missile Launcher
Assault Cannon
Multi-melta, Heavy Flamer, and Heavy Bolter unchanged
Storm Talon
Same as in Death from the Skies - Except for the point change...BS5 against ground targets, and AV11 all around, these could be on a lot of tables soon.
Bike Squad
Veteran Sergeant upgrade same cost as in DA book
Sergeant/Veteran Sergeant have access to Melee and Ranged wargear
Attack bike upgrade
Attack Bikes
Scout Bikes
Grenade launcher upgrade
Locator Beacon
Veteran Sergeant upgrade same cost as in DA book
Sergeant/Veteran Sergeant have access to Melee and Ranged wargear
Cluster mines are now placed by putting a marker in a terrain peice for both players to see. They alsonow turn a piece of difficult terrain into Dangerous terrain. Limit 1 marker per terrain piece.
Heavy Support
Devastator Squad
Veteran Sergeant upgrade same cost as in DA book
Sergeant/Veteran Sergeant have access to Melee and Ranged wargear
Up to 4 Marines may each take 1 Heavy weapon from the Heavy Weapons wargear section - Imperial Fist Devastators with 4 Missile Launchers are also going to be on a lot of tables soon.
Devastator Centurions
Same cost for additional models as Assault Centurions
May replace the Hurricane Bolter with Missile Launchers for the cost of a meltagun
May replace the Heavy Bolters with Lascannons for the cost of 2 meltaguns
May replace Heavy Bolters with Grav Cannon/Grav Amp for the cost of 2 meltaguns
Sergeant may take Omniscope for same cost as meltagun
May take Landraider as Dedicated Transport
Does not have Move Through Cover - "Sgt" with Lascannon, other 2 with Grav Cannons, that's what I'm thinking, its just the point cost that has me wondering.
Thunderfire Cannon
No change - However good luck finding one to purchase if you don't already have one.
Mastery level 2:
No codex powers
Has access to Biomancy, Pyromancy, Telekenesis, and Telepathy disciplines - No Divination?? This has to be a mistake..
May take Terminator armor for same base cost
Not permitted in Black Templar armies (Black Templars have no rules to prevent allying psykers in)
Wargear Lists: Relics, Ranged, Melee, Special, Special Issue (Terminator Armor unlocks Terminator Wargear)
No Combi-grav
Wargear Lists: Relics, Ranged, Melee, Special, Special Issue (Terminator Armor unlocks Terminator Wargear)
Terminator armor same cost
No Combi-grav
Master of the Forge
Lord of the Armory unchanged
Wargear Lists: Relics, Ranged, Melee, Special, Special Issue
May replace Bolt Pistol or Bolter with Power Axe
May take one per HQ in your army. Does not use a slot
Wargear Lists: Ranged, Melee, Special Issue
May replace Bolt Pistol or Bolter with Power Axe
Additional Servitors
Heavy bolter
Plasma Cannon
Tactical Marines
Veteran Sergeant upgrade same cost as in DA book
Sergeant/Veteran Sergeant have access to Melee and Ranged wargear
If the unit has less than 10 models 1 model may take 1 weapon from either the Special or Heavy Weapons Wargear lists
If the unit has 10 models one model may take 1 weapon from the Special Weapons list and a different model may take 1 weapon from the Heavy Weapons Wargear list
Heavy bolter
Hellfire shells
Missile launcher same cost as wargear list
Flakk same cost as wargear list
Veteran Sergeant upgrade same cost as in DA book
Sergeant/Veteran Sergeant have access to Melee and Ranged wargear
Camo cloaks
Teleport homer
Sniper Rifle
May take a Landspeeder Storm as a Dedicated Transport - With the meta going more toward cheap, mobile troops, will 5 scouts in a Storm be the new go to troop choice?
Crusader Squad
Neophyte base leadership now 8 (Zion's notes: I did check, and the old ones were base 7, they just tested on an 8 because of the Initiates, so please no burning my car down for being "wrong")
1 Initiate may take either a Heavy Weapon or a Power Weapon or a Power Fists
A different Initiate may take a Special Weapon
Sword Brethren upgrade same cost as Veteran Sergeant (same wargear options too)
Has Chapter Tactics: Black Templars
May take a Land Raider Crusader as a Dedicated Transport
Dedicated Transports
No changes (wargear prices changed for codex) - Was really hoping for the rumored Rhino Variants but oh well. Maybe in a supplement.
Twin-Linked Heavy Flamer now a free option - Heavy Flamer is nice, with all the high strength, low AP weapons out there now, I don't see it making it in range to use it.
Assault Cannon
TL Lascannon
Lascannon/TL Plasmagun
Drop Pod
10 model capacity
Land Speeder Storm
Now a dedicated transport for Scouts
May replace Heavy Bolter with free Heavy Flamer, Multi-melta for 5 points less, Assault Cannon
Jamming Beacon now makes models that are in range roll twice the number of scatter dice that distance they normally would - Opponent rolling 4D6 scatter on deep strikes? Wow, I'm guessing this is wrong.
Cerberus Launcher: 18" S2, AP-, Heavy 1, Large Blast, Blind
Up to two Sternguard may take a Special or Heavy weapon from the wargear lis
Combi weapons
All models may take weapons from the melee wargear list
Jump packs
Storm shields
Heroic Intervention: Unit doesn't suffer penalties for disordered charges, and Veteran Sergeants automatically pass Glorious Intervention checks - Can't assault after deepstrike...not worth it.
Venerable upgrade
Assault Cannon
TL Lascannon
Left-arm Autocannon
Does not have Chapter Tactics - I really wish they did something with these. I love Dreadnoughts, it's just a shame they aren't really viable right now.
Ironclad Dreadnought
Meltagun option free
No Chapter Tactics
Legion of the Damned
1 model may take one of the following special weapons: Flamer, Melta , Plasma
No grav option
1 model may take a Heavy Weapon from the wargear section
Sergeant may take a weapon from Ranged wargear
Sergeant may replace bolter with chainsword for free, power weapon (same cost as wargear), power fist (same cost as wargear)
All shooting attacks ignore cover
All special rules the same - I still think they are overpriced, but I could be wrong.
Heavy Flamer
Assault Cannon
Cyclone Missile Launcher
Assault Terminators
Thunderhammer/Stormshield - No option for Lightning claws? Once again, this has to be wrong.
Assault Centurions
Up to 3 models may be purchased for purchased for the squad
May replace the Iron Clad Launcher with Missile Launcher for free
May replace Twin-linked flamer for a Twin-linked Melta for the cost of a flamer in the wargear section
Sergeant may purchase an Omniscope for the cost of a melta gun. It grants him Night Fight and Split Fire
May take a Land Raider as a Dedicated Transport
Has Move Through Cover, and Extra Bulky Special rules
Decimator Protocols: Models with this rule may fire up to 2 weapons in the shooting phase.
Fast Attack
Assault Squad
Plasma pistol unchanged
Veteran Sergeant upgrade same cost as in DA book
Sergeant/Veteran Sergeant have access to Melee wargear, and purchase a Grav Pistol or Plasma Pistol for the same cost
Dedicated Transport rules unchanged
Land Speeder Storm Squadron
Typhoon Missile Launcher
Assault Cannon
Multi-melta, Heavy Flamer, and Heavy Bolter unchanged
Storm Talon
Same as in Death from the Skies - Except for the point change...BS5 against ground targets, and AV11 all around, these could be on a lot of tables soon.
Bike Squad
Veteran Sergeant upgrade same cost as in DA book
Sergeant/Veteran Sergeant have access to Melee and Ranged wargear
Attack bike upgrade
Attack Bikes
Scout Bikes
Grenade launcher upgrade
Locator Beacon
Veteran Sergeant upgrade same cost as in DA book
Sergeant/Veteran Sergeant have access to Melee and Ranged wargear
Cluster mines are now placed by putting a marker in a terrain peice for both players to see. They alsonow turn a piece of difficult terrain into Dangerous terrain. Limit 1 marker per terrain piece.
Heavy Support
Devastator Squad
Veteran Sergeant upgrade same cost as in DA book
Sergeant/Veteran Sergeant have access to Melee and Ranged wargear
Up to 4 Marines may each take 1 Heavy weapon from the Heavy Weapons wargear section - Imperial Fist Devastators with 4 Missile Launchers are also going to be on a lot of tables soon.
Devastator Centurions
Same cost for additional models as Assault Centurions
May replace the Hurricane Bolter with Missile Launchers for the cost of a meltagun
May replace the Heavy Bolters with Lascannons for the cost of 2 meltaguns
May replace Heavy Bolters with Grav Cannon/Grav Amp for the cost of 2 meltaguns
Sergeant may take Omniscope for same cost as meltagun
May take Landraider as Dedicated Transport
Does not have Move Through Cover - "Sgt" with Lascannon, other 2 with Grav Cannons, that's what I'm thinking, its just the point cost that has me wondering.
Thunderfire Cannon
No change - However good luck finding one to purchase if you don't already have one.
TL Lascannon
Heavy bolter Sponsons
Lascannon Sponsons
Graviton Weapons
All S-, AP2
All have the Graviton rule: Use armor save to wound.
TL Lascannon
Heavy bolter Sponsons
Lascannon Sponsons
Same as before
Same as before
Skyspear Missile Launcher: 60" S7, AP2, Heavy 1, Savant Lock, Armorbane
Savant Lock: When shooting at a flyer or flying monstrous creature, you put a marker on it for each miss. The markers stay on the flyer until it leaves the table, is destroyed or is engaged in close combat. At the beginning of every friendly shooting phase you roll for those markers. On a 5 or a 6 that missile hits vehicles in the rear armor, these shots are resolved using the above profile. - The question is still out whether it can shoot ground targets or not..
Icarus Storm Cannon Array: 48", S7, AP4, Heavy 4
Icarus has two firing modes: Single target and Dual Target
Single target: above profile, twin-linked
Dual target: Must be declared before shooting. Pick two targets in range and resolve shooting attacks against them using both of them, but at BS2 - BS2? Ridiculous. I don't see anyone using the Dual Target mode. Even still, the Single target mode is just another Quad Cannon.
All Land Raiders
No points change
"Godhammer" variant now holds 10 models.
No other changes
Storm Raven
No changes from Death from the Skies
Same as before
Skyspear Missile Launcher: 60" S7, AP2, Heavy 1, Savant Lock, Armorbane
Savant Lock: When shooting at a flyer or flying monstrous creature, you put a marker on it for each miss. The markers stay on the flyer until it leaves the table, is destroyed or is engaged in close combat. At the beginning of every friendly shooting phase you roll for those markers. On a 5 or a 6 that missile hits vehicles in the rear armor, these shots are resolved using the above profile. - The question is still out whether it can shoot ground targets or not..
Icarus Storm Cannon Array: 48", S7, AP4, Heavy 4
Icarus has two firing modes: Single target and Dual Target
Single target: above profile, twin-linked
Dual target: Must be declared before shooting. Pick two targets in range and resolve shooting attacks against them using both of them, but at BS2 - BS2? Ridiculous. I don't see anyone using the Dual Target mode. Even still, the Single target mode is just another Quad Cannon.
All Land Raiders
No points change
"Godhammer" variant now holds 10 models.
No other changes
Storm Raven
No changes from Death from the Skies
Graviton Weapons
All S-, AP2
All have the Graviton rule: Use armor save to wound.
Against vehicles roll a D6, on a 1-5 nothing happens, on a 6 the vehicle is Immobilized and loses a hull point. Grav weapons do not effect buildings.