This week I got the chance to pound some ladies. Not something that happens all that often for me. Wacha Wacha!!! Seriously though, I got my first chance to play against the new Adepta Sororitas codex.
Deployment: Vanguard
Mission: Purge the Alien
10x Pink Horrors
10x Pink Horrors
6x Chaos Space Marines
My List (Chaos Space Marines/Daemons):
Daemon Prince (Warlord - Legendary Fighter) (Enfeeble, Warp Speed, Doom Bolt)
Daemon Prince (Warlord - Legendary Fighter) (Enfeeble, Warp Speed, Doom Bolt)
- Daemon of Tzeentch
- Flight
- Armor
- Psyker Level 3
- Spell Familiar
- Daemon of Tzeentch
- Flight
- Armor
- Psyker Level 3
- Spell Familiar
- Psyker Level 3
- Greater Reward (+1 Wound, It Will Not Die)
- Greater Reward (3+ Armor)
10x Pink Horrors
10x Pink Horrors
6x Chaos Space Marines
- Plasma Gun
6x Chaos Space Marines
Heavy Support
Soul Grinder
Opponents List (Adepta Sororitas/Imperial Guard):
- Melta Gun
Soul Grinder
- Mark of Slaanesh
- Baleful Torrent
- Mark of Nurgle
Opponents List (Adepta Sororitas/Imperial Guard):
St. Celestine
- Mantel of Ophelia
- Rosarius
- Melta Bombs
- Power Sword
- 5x Heavy Bolters
5x Battle Sisters
Heavy Support
2x Leman Russ Squadron
Aegis Defense Line
He won the roll to choose sides and I won the roll to go first. No night fight turn 1.
Turn 1: Celestine moved forward to midfield. Shooting would see the death of the Soul Grinder to a Exorcist for First Blood. He also took out 2 Obliterators and one unit of Pink Horrors went to ground avoiding any casualties. The remaining Obliterator was lucky enough to make his leadership and held strong.
Turn 2: Three of his Battle Sister units came in from reserve. All of which immediately disembarked from their Immolators looking to get some shots on the Daemon Princes. St. Celestine of course got back up and headed for the 2 units of Pink Horrors. Shooting knocked my Warlord Prince out of the sky leaving him out in the open. He would die to shots from the Battle Sisters. He also took 2 wounds from the Keeper of Secrets.
Turn 4: His final Immolator with Battle Sisters came in and he headed towards my table edge looking to get line breaker. His tanks moved forward from behind the aegis line to get a better shooting angle on my Chaos Space Marines. He took shots on them but they went to ground and only lost a couple. Celestine finished off the Pink Horrors and the Prince finished the Guardsman.
The Heldrake with no Bale Flamer came back in and Vector Struck the rest of the Command Squad off the board. The other Heldrake Vector Struck an Immolater and wrecked it. The Prince cast Iron arm and assaulted into the Primaris Psyker. He of course smashed his face in.
Turn 5: Celestine headed for the final Obliterator and a unit of Chaos Space Marines. The Leman Russ killed all but one of the Chaos Space Marines in the far area terrain. Like a champ, he made his leadership test. Luckily I managed to find him a spot that was out of line of site so he wouldn't be getting shot at for the rest of the game. One Exorcist killed the last Obliterator and the other took shots at the Prince killing him. His Immolators tried to shoot the Heldrake with the flamer but failed. He attempted to charge Celestine into the unit of Chaos Space Marines but was insta-killed by a lucky plasma shot.
The broken flamer drake flew off the board again failing to do anything with his Vector Strikes. The Flamer Heldrake killed all but 1 of the Battle Sisters that were heading toward my board edge for line breaker and took a hull point from an Immolator with Vector Strikes. I rolled to see if the game went on and it did.
Turn 6: At this point there was very little on the board. His Immolators all fired at my flamer Heldrake and managed to connect, blowing it up. His Exorcists and Leman Russ managed to wipe out the one unit of Chaos Space Marines they could still see. This left me with 1 Chaos Space Marine model on the board out of line of site of anything. Thank god he was good at hiding. His single Battle Sister left moved into cover in my deployment zone. With the sister getting line breaker the score would be 12-12.
My flamerless Heldrake came back on the board and Vector Struck the last Battle Sister and finally wiped out the unit. That would shift the score to 13-11. He rolled and the game continued.
Turn 7: He would have needed to wipe me off the board to win and sadly he failed to kill the last remaining drake with his Immolators and he just couldn't get line of site on that last Chaos Space Marine.
So even though the forces of Chaos took heavy casualties,...Victory for Chaos! 13-11
- 2x Meltaguns
- Veteran Sister Superior with Melta Bombs
- Immolator
- Multi-melta
- 2x Meltaguns
- Veteran Sister Superior with Melta Bombs
- Immolator
- Multi-melta
- 2x Meltaguns
- Veteran Sister Superior with Melta Bombs
- Immolator
- Multi-melta
- 2x Meltaguns
- Veteran Sister Superior with Melta Bombs
- Immolator
- Multi-melta
Heavy Support
2x Leman Russ Squadron
- Battle Tank
- Vanquisher with Knight Commander Ask
Aegis Defense Line
- Icarus Lascannon
He won the roll to choose sides and I won the roll to go first. No night fight turn 1.
He rolled to sieze the initiative and did. This seems to be happening a lot to me lately.
Turn 1: Celestine moved forward to midfield. Shooting would see the death of the Soul Grinder to a Exorcist for First Blood. He also took out 2 Obliterators and one unit of Pink Horrors went to ground avoiding any casualties. The remaining Obliterator was lucky enough to make his leadership and held strong.
I powered up my Princes and Keeper of Secrets and pushed forward. Shooting from the Princes killed 2 from the Sororitas Command Squad and the Obliterator got some revenge for his friends by taking out an Exorcist. The Keeper of Secrets charged St. Celestine and turned her into goo.
Powers went up on my Prince and my Keeper. My 2 Heldrakes and 2 units of Chaos Space Marines both came in from reserve. Each unit of Chaos Space Marines headed into area terrain so they had saves from the Leman Russ. One Heldrake took interceptor fire and lost his bale flamer…sad times. The other came in near his Aegis Line and roasted the Guardsman as well as Vector Striking the Command Squad killing one. The Prince and Keeper each killed a unit of Battle Sisters.
Turn 3: He failed the roll to bring his last Immolator in from reserves. Celestine continued her move towards the Pink Horrors. He fired almost everything he had into the Keeper of Secrets killing it. A few shots were taken at the Heldrakes to no avail. Celestine charged the Pink Horrors and won the combat leaving only a few Pink Horrors left.
Iron Arm goes up on the remaining Prince. The damaged Heldrake flew off the board and Vector Struck an Immolator destroying it. The other Heldrake flew to the middle of the board and killed the last unit of Battle Sisters left on the board. The Prince moved up and assaulted what was left of the Guardsman and the Cannoness's unit. The Cannoness challenges and the Prince and she gets manhandled. Somehow they guardsman make their morale and stay in the combat. The second unit of Pink Horrors assaulted into combat with Celestine hoping to help cut the remainder of the first unit out of combat. They failed miserably and took heavy casualties but the combat continued.
Turn 4: His final Immolator with Battle Sisters came in and he headed towards my table edge looking to get line breaker. His tanks moved forward from behind the aegis line to get a better shooting angle on my Chaos Space Marines. He took shots on them but they went to ground and only lost a couple. Celestine finished off the Pink Horrors and the Prince finished the Guardsman.
The Heldrake with no Bale Flamer came back in and Vector Struck the rest of the Command Squad off the board. The other Heldrake Vector Struck an Immolater and wrecked it. The Prince cast Iron arm and assaulted into the Primaris Psyker. He of course smashed his face in.
Turn 5: Celestine headed for the final Obliterator and a unit of Chaos Space Marines. The Leman Russ killed all but one of the Chaos Space Marines in the far area terrain. Like a champ, he made his leadership test. Luckily I managed to find him a spot that was out of line of site so he wouldn't be getting shot at for the rest of the game. One Exorcist killed the last Obliterator and the other took shots at the Prince killing him. His Immolators tried to shoot the Heldrake with the flamer but failed. He attempted to charge Celestine into the unit of Chaos Space Marines but was insta-killed by a lucky plasma shot.
The broken flamer drake flew off the board again failing to do anything with his Vector Strikes. The Flamer Heldrake killed all but 1 of the Battle Sisters that were heading toward my board edge for line breaker and took a hull point from an Immolator with Vector Strikes. I rolled to see if the game went on and it did.
Turn 6: At this point there was very little on the board. His Immolators all fired at my flamer Heldrake and managed to connect, blowing it up. His Exorcists and Leman Russ managed to wipe out the one unit of Chaos Space Marines they could still see. This left me with 1 Chaos Space Marine model on the board out of line of site of anything. Thank god he was good at hiding. His single Battle Sister left moved into cover in my deployment zone. With the sister getting line breaker the score would be 12-12.
My flamerless Heldrake came back on the board and Vector Struck the last Battle Sister and finally wiped out the unit. That would shift the score to 13-11. He rolled and the game continued.
Turn 7: He would have needed to wipe me off the board to win and sadly he failed to kill the last remaining drake with his Immolators and he just couldn't get line of site on that last Chaos Space Marine.
So even though the forces of Chaos took heavy casualties,...Victory for Chaos! 13-11
wow a bloody battle... just the way I like it. Congrats on holding on for the victory.