Monday, October 28, 2013

40K: Titan Tournament Qualifier Round 1 Recap

This past Saturday was the first of  the four rounds for the Ogre's Titan Tournament coming up in February.
It was a 1500 pt tournament and around 20 people showed up which was good, because they only had 10 tables. There was a large amount of Daemon and Tau players of course, with a surprising lack of Eldar.

My List:
Keeper of Secrets - Mastery Level 3, Greater Reward, Greater Reward, Lesser Reward
13 Pink Horrors - Iridescent Horror Upgrade
13 Pink Horrors - Iridescent Horror Upgrade
Slaanesh Daemon Prince - Mastery Level 3, Wings, Armor, Lash of Despair, Exalted Reward
Slaanesh Daemon Prince - Mastery Level 3, Wings, Armor, Lash of Despair, Exalted Reward

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

40K Dual Battle Report: White Scars vs Tau/Eldar

The other night I met up with Capnmoe for a late night game to test out some stuff we both had.

I wanted to try out some bikes. I've never liked bikes, just not my thing, but with the new Space Marine codex being what it is, I figured if I wanted to play them competitively, I would need to pick some up and learn how to use them properly.

Capnmoe wanted to test out a small point Tau/Eldar Army.

There is a large 1500 point tourney coming up and we both wanted to get some practice in running low point lists, considering that all we have played for the last 2 years or so has been 1850+ point lists.

Anyways, enough back story, here's how shit went down.

My List:
Khan - Moondraken
5 Bikers - Graviton-gun, Graviton-gun, Sgt. with a Power Fist
5 Man Tactical Squad - Graviton-Gun, Sgt. with a Power Fist in a Razorback
5 Man Tactical Squad - Graviton-Gun, Sgt. with a Power Fist in a Razorback
5 Terminators - All Thunder Hammer & Storm Shield in a Land Raider Crusader with Multi-Melta.
Land Raider - Multi-Melta
Predator - Autocannon with Lascannon Sponsons.
Predator - Autocannon with Lascannon Sponsons.

Small, redundant forces.
I figured he would have at least 3-4 Monstrous Creatures so personally I was just trying to build a list to piss in his cereal...and I haven't played my Marines in awhile.
I knew going in that I had little chance to win, but if I could piss him off then mission accomplished.

Capnmoe's List:
Commander: Command and Control Node, Multi-Spectrum Suite, Puretide Engram Neurochip.
7 Firewarriors
7 Firewarriors
10 Kroot
Riptide - Twin-linked Fusion, Ion Accelerator, Early Warning Override
Riptide - Twin-linked Fusion, Ion Accelerator, Early Warning Override
Riptide - Twin-linked Fusion, Ion Accelerator, Early Warning Override
3 Broadsides - High Yield Missile Systems, 6 Missile Drones
Farseer - Singing Spear, Jetbike, Mastery Level 3
3 Guardian Jetbikes - Shuriken Cannon
3 Guardian Jetbikes - Shuriken Cannon
Aegis Defense Line + Quad Cannon

Basically just an ass load of shooting.
The Farseer powers were Prescience, Guide and Foreboding. 

Mission was Crusade with 3 objectives.
Deployment was Hammer and Anvil
Nightfight was in affect.
He won the roll to deploy and chose to go first.

Monday, October 21, 2013

40k Battle Report: Eldar/Tau Vs. Imperial Guard/Space Wolves

Two headed giant league has started at the FLGS. You can either run a team of players using 1k points each or run two 1k point armies together as a single person. Makers wasn't able to get to the store this week so I ran two 1k armies myself. I ended up getting paired against Sqouze and CJ with their Imperial Guard/Space Wolf combo.

Deployment: Dawn of War
Mission: Big Guns Never Tire

My List (Eldar/Tau):

Farseer (Warlord - Warlord is a scoring unit) (Guide, Fortune, Puppet Master)
  • Jetbike
  • Shard of Anaris
  • Singing Spear
Farseer (Prescience, Misfortune, Terrify)
  • Jetbike
  • Singing Spear
6x Warlock Seer Council (Conceal/Reveal, Embolden/Horrify, 3x Protect/Jinx, Empower/Enervate)
  • 6x Jetbikes
Tau Commander (Warlord - Princeps of Deceit)
  • Command and Control Node
  • Puretide Engram Neurochip
  • Multi-Spectrum Sensor Suite 
Stealth Suit Team
  • 2x Fusion Blasters
  • Twin-Linked Fusion Gun
  • Ion Accelerator
  • Early Warning Override
9x Dire Avengers
3x Guardians Jetbikes
  • Shuriken Cannon
6x Fire Warriors
10x Kroot

Heavy Support
3x Broadsides
  • 3x Twin-Linked SMS
  • 3x High-Yield Missile Pods
  • 6x Missile Drones
Aegis Defense Line
  • Twin-Linked Quad Gun

Opponents List as Best I Can Recall (IG/SW):

Logan Grimnar (Warlord)
Commissar (Warlord)
Company Command Squad
  • 4x Grenade Launchers
10x Veterans
Platoon Command Squad
20x Infantry Blob
8x Wolf Guard
  • 2x Combi-Melta
  • Drop Pod
7x Terminator Wolf Guard
  • Landraider Crusader
  • Assault Cannon/Power Fist
  • 2x Frost Axe/Storm Shield
  • 2x Thunder Hammer/Storm Bolter
  • Sword/Storm Shield
  • Power Fist/Storm Bolter
Fast Attack
Heavy Support
Leman Russ Battle Tank
Leman Russ Battle Tank
Leman Russ Battle Tank

Friday, October 18, 2013

40k: Iridescent Horror

Just a quick update, as I have been extremely busy prepping for the Titan Tournament coming up next weekend.

I have noticed lately that a lot of people are running small units of Horrors, and even blobs of them, without using the Iridescent Horror upgrade.

This is a huge mistake.

Don't forget that this upgrade makes him a character. So for only a 5 point upgrade, all of your Flickering Fire shots become precision shots.

Also remember that only one model needs to be alive to fire, leave a few of them out in the open with line of sight to a few targets, and get the rest of those guys behind some line of sight blocking terrain.

If they start taking fire, go to ground! You can still cast powers while on the ground, although they are snap shots...which only hit on 6' therefore are also precision shots from the Iridescent Horror!

Thursday, October 3, 2013

40k Battle Report: Eldar/Tau Vs. Chaos Space Marines

As open play at my FLGS comes to a close, I think I've finally got a good handle on the new Eldar and Tau codexes. I'm really enjoying the parings and combos I can make with both books, especially when allied with each other or Grey Knights. Last week I got to play a game against my good buddy Sqouze. He's a great dude and one of the best modelers I've ever met. Be sure to swing by /r/Warhammer on Reddit and take a look at some of his work.

Deployment: Vanguard Strike
Mission: The Relic

My List (Eldar/Tau):

Farseer (Warlord - Warlord is a scoring unit) (Guide, Executioner, Doom)
  • Jetbike
  • Singing Spear
Farseer (Fortune, Prescience, Dominate)
  • Jetbike
  • Singing Spear
6x Warlock Seer Council (2x Conceal/Reveal, Embolden/Horrify, Protect/Jinx, 2x Quicken Restrain
  • 6x Jetbikes
Tau Commander
  • Command and Control Node
  • Puretide Engram Neurochip
  • Multi-Spectrum Sensor Suite 
  • Missile Pod
  • Twin-Linked Fusion Gun
  • Ion Accelerator
  • Early Warning Override
10x Dire Avengers
  • Exarch with Twin-Linked Shuriken Catapults
3x Guardians Jetbikes
  • Shuriken Cannon
10x Fire Warriors
  • Sahs'ui
10x Fire Warriors
  • Sahs'ui
Fast Attack
5x Warp Spiders

Heavy Support
3x Broadsides
  • 3x Twin-Linked SMS
  • 3x High-Yield Missile Pods
  • 6x Missile Drones
Aegis Defense Line
  • Twin-Linked Quad Gun

Opponents List as Best I Can Recall (Chaos Space Marines):

Chaos Lord (Warlord - 2 units out flanking)

  • Mark of Nurgle
  • Bike
  • Power Claw

Chaos Lord

  • Mark of Khorne
  • Power Axe
  • Aura of Dark Glory
10x Cultists
10x Cultists
9x Khorne Berzerkers
10x Khorne Berzerkers

Fast Attack
10x Chaos Bikers

  • 2x Plasma Guns


  • Bale Flamer


  • Bale Flamer

Heavy Support
  • Dirge Caster

  • Dirge Caster

2x Obliterators

  • Mark of Nurgle

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