My Journeyman Warcaster took a little longer to arrive than I had expected, so I decided to get my first Warjack painted. This is the Lancer.
Tuesday, February 25, 2014
Thursday, February 20, 2014
40k Battle Report: Tau vs Necrons
First week of league was last Thursday and I was paired up against Necrons.
Deployment was Dawn of War, Mission was Relic.
My List:
Commander - Puretide Engram Neurochip, Multispectrum Sensor Suite, Command and Control NodeEthereal
6 Firewarriors
6 Firewarriors
6 Firewarriors
5 Pathfinders
5 Pathfinders
Riptide - Ion Accelerator, SMS, Early Warning Override, Stimulant Injector
Riptide - Ion Accelerator, TL Fusion, Early Warning Override, Stimulant Injector
Riptide - Ion Accelerator, TL Plasma, Early Warning Override, Stimulant Injector
3 Broadsides - High Yield Missile Pods, Twinlinked SMS, 6 Missile Drones
Aegis Defense Line and a Quad Cannon
His List:
Overlord - Weave, Scythe, Mindshackle
10 Warriors on foot
10 Warriors on foot
10 Immortals
6 Wraiths
5 Deathmarks
1 Annihilation Barge
1 Triarch Stalker
1 Doomsday Ark
1 Doom Scythe
I won the roll and chose to deploy and go first.
Warmachine Progress Update 2
Finished up eHaley and her Squire last night. Really love the way these turned out. Up next is the Journeyman Warcaster.
Monday, February 17, 2014
Warmachine Progress
I got a decent amount of work done this weekend. I assembled the Arcane Tempest Gun Mages, sanded every models base, primed them all, and got them all base coated and shaded with the airbrush. I even managed to finish one of the solos, Viktor Pendrake. Hope he plays as good as he looks. Next up is the Squire solo and the 3 Warcasters.
Saturday, February 15, 2014
So, I recently got a good amount of Cygnar Warmachine models in a trade. I'd always heard that the game was really well balanced and a great system so I wanted to check it out. Thus, I traded away the Imperial portion of my Star Wars X-wing collection to get my foot in the door. While my normal gaming store Fantasy Books and Games doesn't have much of a following for Warmachine/Hordes, their sister store Heroic Adventures does. And as luck would have it, their Warmachine/Hordes night is Thursday, which is the same night that I normally play Warhammer 40k. That's nice because now I don't have to ask the wife if she minds me going out to play an extra night during the week. So I decided I would do some research, grab a few more models and the faction deck, get the army painted up, and go learn the game.
First things first. What did I all get in the trade? Here's the list:
Epic Haley
3x Lancers
Iron Clad
Field Mechaniks
Professor Viktor Pendrake
After some investigation into Cygnar I have since picked up the Cygnar Faction Deck, a Journeyman Warcaster, and a box of Arcane Tempest Gun Mages with their unit attachment character. Those were the 2 most highly recommended units I could find and I need the cards from the deck to play. This should give me a functional 35 point army. Here's the list I'm going to be using:
Major Victoria Haley (*5pts)
- Lancer (6pts)
- Centurion (9pts)
- Squire (2pts)
- Arcane Tempest Gun Mage Officer (2pts)
- Sentinel (4pts)
- Charger (4pts)
Yesterday I got almost all my stuff in the mail. Now its time for some assembly, basing, and painting. I figured I'd post up some picks of what the models looked like when I got them and do some work in progress shots over the next couple weeks. I have to say, I'm pretty excited to get these guys painted up and start playing the game.
Wednesday, February 12, 2014
40k: Stop Whining and Grow Up.
First off for reference:
Faiet's opinion: Tournaments, Rage, Bitterness, and of Course.... the Hysteria
Bell of Lost Souls article on the subject: 40K Deep Thought - We Can't Ignore the Problem Anymore
TL,DR: Alex Fennell, a seasoned veteran in 40k competitive play, brought an Eldar Council Bike list to the Las Vegas Open Tournament and stomped everyone's ass with it. Now everyone is butt hurt.
Seriously, what the fuck people
In case people don't remember, tournaments are competitive.
As I've said before, this isn't little league. Everyone does not get a trophy.
Second, his list isn't anything new, it's been around for months.
Hell, Capnmoe has run this list numerous times over the past few months and no one ever says a word to him about it being cheese.
Does he win every game he has played with it? Nope.
Does he win the majority of the time? Yes.
But it's a good list and well thought out, so why should he be punished for it?
I want to take a second here to remind him of the time my Daemons beat the crap out of it.
Let's say you own a professional NFL team and you have Jerry Rice on your team.
You find out that you could actually have 2 more copies of him, and every week, you could have 3 exact copies of him playing on your offense.
Would you?
Of course you would.
Because you want to win.
It's competition.
The Las Vegas Open was a tournament.
Tournaments are Competition.
Did they tell the Yankees they weren't allowed to use Derek Jeter in the playoffs?
No, because that's dumb.
They spent their own money to put together a team they wanted and then won a few World Series.
Did everyone make fun of them? Yep.
Then what happened?
Everyone started copying them.
How did they fix it?
MLB changed their rules.
And at the end of day GW makes our rules.
Are the rules currently broken?
In my opinion yes, but that is GW's fault not ours.
The product is failing because of this and over time will cause them to lose more customers and more money.
Personally, I think it is absolutely amazing that there haven't been new FAQs out to address these issues.
I mean seriously... they haven't even FAQ'd the Burning Chariot of Tzeentch yet correctly...and that codex came out a year ago.
If GW does not address these issues, then people will stop playing their game and move on to other games.
A lot of people in my area have already switched to things like X-Wing, Drop Zone Commander or Warmachine because they no longer enjoy the competitive scene of 40k.
I like competition and I believe it is not my place to tell someone else what they can and cannot bring to a tournament. If it's currently legal, bring whatever you want. Yes it may be difficult to play against, and yes it will most likely be a challenge, but the key here is to look at it as a learning opportunity for next time.
Too many people expect the game to be "fair" and by fair I mean "the odds in their favor."
People hate to have to work for something.
I've seen far to many people watch their opponent put a Riptide, Wraithknight or even something like a Land Raider on the table and you can tell they have already given up.
The question is where does it stop?
Is everyone just supposed to only use troops?
No more Monstrous Creatures?
No more ++ saves?
The everyone would complain that the game is far too boring and there is never anything new...
It's far easier to sit and complain from behind a computer screen than to actually make the effort to make a better list, work on it, practice, then beat the new "IT" list.
And maybe, here's a thought, provide some CONSTRUCTIVE criticism.
I do think GW is hurting the competitive nature of their own game, but I also believe that the whining, bitching and moaning players out there are making it worse.
So in that respect, the new League at my LGS starts for me this Thursday
In honor of all the whiners, I will be bringing this list for the next few weeks!
Commander - Puretide Engram Neurochip, Multispectrum Sensor Suite, Command and Control Node
6 Firewarriors
6 Firewarriors
6 Firewarriors
5 Pathfinders
5 Pathfinders
Riptide - Ion Accelerator, SMS, Early Warning Override, Stimulant Injector
Riptide - Ion Accelerator, SMS, Early Warning Override, Stimulant Injector
Riptide - Ion Accelerator, SMS, Early Warning Override, Stimulant Injector
3 Broadsides - High Yield Missile Pods, Twinlinked SMS, 6 Missile Drones
Aegis Defense Line and a Quad Cannon
Friday, February 7, 2014
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