Friday, April 25, 2014

40k Battle Report: Grey Knights Vs. Tyranids

The new Warhammer 40k league began at Fantasy Books and Games. It had been awhile since I played 40k because of our raging Warmachine obsession, and was really nice to get back into it. It's a 2 headed giant league where each team brings two 1000k lists. Makers is on vacation this week so I had to go at it alone. I brought Grey Knights to the fray and was paired against a fantastic Nids player.

Deployment: Dawn of War
Mission: Crusade (5 Objectives)

My List (Chaos Space Marines/Daemons):

Grey Knights Grand Master (Warlord, FnP 3" from an objective)
  • Incinerator
Inquisitor Coteaz (Prescience, Forewarning)(Warlord, May reroll reserve rolls)
    5x Grey Knight Terminators
    • Psycannon
    • 4x Nemesis Force Halberds
    • Nemesis Daemon Hammer

    5x Grey Knight Terminators
    • Psycannon
    • 4x Nemesis Force Halberds
    • Nemesis Daemon Hammer

    2x Jokearo, 3x Servitors, 5x Warrior Acolytes (Jokearo upgrade: Units weapons have rending)
    • 3x Plasma Cannons
    • 5x Bolters
    6x Warrior Acolytes 
    • 6x Bolters
    • Razorback
      • Psybolt Ammunition
    6x Warrior Acolytes 
    • 6x Bolters
    • Razorback
      • Psybolt Ammunition
    6x Warrior Acolytes 
    • 6x Bolters
    • Razorback
      • Psybolt Ammunition
      • Assault Cannon
    Heavy Support
    • 2x Twin Linked Autcannons
    • Psybolt Ammunition
    • 2x Twin Linked Autocannons
    • Psybolt Ammunition
    • Heavy Incinerator
    • Personal Teleporter
    • Heavy Incinerator
    • Personal Teleporter
    Aegis Defense Line
    • Quad Cannon

    Opponents List (Tyranids):

    Hive Tyrant (The Horror, Paroxysm)(Warlord)
    • Twin-Linked Devourers
    • Wings
    Hive Tyrant (The Horror, Psychic Scream)
    • Twin-Linked Devourers
    • Wings
    Hive Tyrant (Warp Blast, Psychic Scream)
    • Twin-Linked Devourers
    • Wings
    Tyranid Prime (Warlord)

    Zoanthrope (Paroxysm)

    10x Termagaunts
    10x Termagaunts
    10x Termagaunts
    10x Termagaunts
    3x Warriors

    Fast Attack
    Hive Crone

    Heavy Support

    Aegis Defense Line
    • Icarus Lascannon

    We rolled up 5 objectives for our Crusade mission. He won the rolls to choose sides and to go first. Objectives were placed and are circled in the picture below. There was no night fighting turn 1. I got 3 units for my Grand Masters Grand Strategy and chose to outflank all of my Acolytes in Razorbacks. With all of his S6+ shooting on the board I didn't want to take the chance of them giving up first blood. Our final deployments can be seen in the picture.  I rolled to steal the initiative and did!

    On my first turn I rolled for psychic powers and failed one and rolled a perils on boxcars for the other. This was the dice gods punishing me for stealing the initiative I'm sure. I shunted my Dreadknights up 30" and attempted to get first blood on the Termagaunts and the Zoanthrope in the corner. Sadly I would do no wounds to the Zoanthrope and would leave 1 Termagaunt alive. Both of the Dreadnoughts fired at a Harpy which made an ass load of 5+ cover saves. After all the shots I only managed to do 3-4 wounds to it. Coteaz and his unit took 3 wounds from a Flyrant that was just out of range of the Venomethropes 5+ cover save area.

    He moved one Flyrant out after the 2 Dreadknights, one to the opposite flank, and one straight after Coteaz's unit. Everything else pushed forward up behind his Aegis. Shots into Coteaz would kill half the unit. Shots into the Dreadknights would do nothing. The Crone took one hull point from a Dreadnought.

    All of my reserves came in except for 1 unit of Terminators. I had 2 Razorbacks outflank one side and 1 outflank on the other. The unit of Terminators deep struck into the back field to support the Dreadknights. One Dreadknight moved up to attack and kill the Zoanthrope and the other flamed the last Termaguant for First blood. The Dreadnoughts and Coteaz's unit attempted to take out the red Flyrant and failed. Shots from the 2 Razorbacks near the bottom of the picture took out the black and red Flyrant.

    He had a unit of Warriors and 2 units of Termagaunts arrive from reserve which he walked on the board near my Dreadknights. Shooting from them and the Exocrine wound kill all but 1 Terminator and one of the Dreadknights. He attempted to assault the other Dreadknight with a Harpy but didn't do enough wounds to kill it. The Dreadknight then used its force weapon to insta-gib it. His red Flyrant would end up shooting Coteaz and his unit off the board leaving himself open on the ground for shooting next turn. One Harpy multi assaulted my 2 Razorbacks and whiffed all of its attacks. The Crone took another hull point from one of my Dreadnoughts.

    Turn 3 my last unit of Terminators and the Grand Master came on and deep struck near my quad gun. They would shoot and kill the red Flyrant. The 2 Razorbacks that were assaulted by the Harpy backed  up and fired on it taking him down. The Dreadnoughts killed off the Warriors which were providing Synapse to his rear Termagaunts. The Dreadknight flamed and killed nearly all of one units of Termagaunts. While the Razorback and terminator killed a few from the other. One of the Termagaunt units would fail its leadership and run off of the board.

    In his turn 3 he flew the Crone off the board. He assaulted the remaining Termaguants and Carnifex into my Dreadknight. The Carnifex failed his charge and the Dreadknight killed 2 Gaunts. He was back in range of Synapse so the combat continued. Shots from the Exocrine would destroy my assault  cannon Razorback, killing 2 guys inside and pinning the unit.

    My turn 4 I moved the lower Razorback forward and disembarked. I fired the Razoback and both of the Acolyte units at the Termagaunts holding the objective, killing all but 3. The Terminators ran onto an objective. I disembarked the Acolytes from the upper Razorback and ran them towards the objective as well. The Dreadknight killed a few more Gaunts.

    In his turn 4 the Crone came back on and vector struck the upper Razorback destroying it. The Exocrine and remaining Gaunts tried to kill the remaining Acolytes but failed. His Carnifex finally made it into combat with the Gaunts and the Dreadknight but it was too late. The Dreadknight killed off the rest of the Gaunts before the Carnifex killed him. This left him with only 1 scoring unit on the board.

    In my turn 5 I moved both of the Acolyte units on the bottom up to hold the objective. One unit would assault the 1 remaining Gaunt for shits and giggles and kill it. The Terminators on the quad gun killed the Crone. In his turn he moved the Carnifex to contest the upper objective and failed to kill the Acolytes off of the objective on the bottom with the rest of his force.

    Grey Knight Victory 9-1

    1 comment:

    1. Fantastic victory over a very intimidating list! That is a lot of flying MC's!!!
